In-house templates

Easily create templates for invoices and reminders in your organization's corporate identity. Choose the appropriate tone of voice and easily adjust texts. With our handy online Template Manager, you're back in control of your templates!

Template Management

Easy to customise

Pick a template. Simply add your own content - without having to respond to change notifications all the time - and you're done. After all, POM does the rest.

Recognized and Trusted

With POM's templates, all your invoices look neat and identical. Every time. This way, you create recognisability and thus a sense of security and trust among your customers.

Meer interactie en grotere betrokkenheid

If you send a message out the door, you naturally want a response. The more personal you can be to the addressee, the more engagement and interaction you get. In POM Invoice, you can easily personalise the content of your e-mails, letters, text messages and Robocall templates with customer-specific or segment-specific data.

In-house templates

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